What Pages Are the Shootout in in Zenand the Art of Faking It
Sonnenblick, Hashemite kingdom of jordan. 2007. Zen and the Fine art of Faking It. (Scholastic) Coming Oct 2007 I was very excited to receive an ARC of Zen and The Art of Faking It because I really loved Sonnenblick's previous novels, Notes From A Midnight Commuter and Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie . In some ways, all of his books share a similar theme: immature teen boys who through the course of the book discover or "discover" themselves. His books all have to do with the whole growing-upwards-to-be-a-man process. While Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie dealt with a teen who had a brother with a serious disease and Notes From A Midnight Driver dealt with a teen who had broken the police force and was doing community service, Zen and the Art of Faking It appears to bargain with a less serious topic. San L...