How Many Calories Do U Burn Walking a Mile

How many calories do you burn walking?

Most people burn an average of 100 calories per mile walking.You weight and the distance you walk are the key factors that determine how many calories you burn.

Below you'll find an easy to use calorie calculator for walking.Use this to get a calorie estimate specific for your weight and type of walk.

How many calories do you burn walking?

A frequent question people ask is how many calories does walking burn? The answer is it depends on your weight, how fast you walk and how much time you spend walking.

The calories burned walking calculator shows the difference weight has on calories burned.

Someone weighing 150 pounds walking a normal pace for 60 minutes would burn 250 calories. Yet someone weighing 200 pounds walking for the same time and speed burns 333 calories.

The average person will burn between 80 to 140 calories per mile .

Using the calculator

Your weight , walking distance and speed have the biggest impact on how many calories you burn walking .For example a 200 pound person burns about 110 calories per mile. Whereas a 130 pound person burns around 70 calories per mile.

This simple to use calculator helps you estimate how many calories you have burned during your walk.

Enter your weight, the duration of your walk and the pace you walked to calculate your calories burned.

The calculator is for level ground walking. If you are walking uphill trail walking or hiking, take a look at the calories burned hiking calculator .

Calories Burned Walking Calculator

Are you overweight?

bmi calculator

bmi calculator

Calories by distance walked

Can you lose weight walking 2, 3 or even 5 miles a day?

Yes, as long as you're not eating more.

Calories burned walking per mile

2 miles

Walking 2 miles, the average person will burn between 140 to 240 extra calories.

Walking 2 miles a day for 5 days of the week will burn an extra 700 to 1,200 calories. With no change in diet you can expect to lose ¼ to close to ½ a pound of fat a week.

3 miles

Walking 3 miles a day, the average person will burn between 210 and 360 calories.

Walking 3 miles a day for 5 days of the week will burn an extra 1,050 to 1,800 calories. Keeping your diet the same, you can expect to lose ⅓ to ½ a pound of fat a week.

5 miles

Walking 5 miles a day, the average person will burn 350 to 600 calories.

Walking 5 miles a day for 5 days a week will burn an extra 1,750 to 3,000 calories. Eating the same as before you are likely to lose ½ to close to 1 pound of fat per week.

6 miles

Walking 6 miles a day, most people will burn 420 to 720 calories.

Walking 6 miles a day, 5 days a week will total up to 2,100 to 3,600 calories. That's ⅔ to 1 pound of fat lose a week.

Calories burned walking per km

5 km

For most people a 5 km walk will be 210 – 360 calories.

Walking 5 km, 5 days of the week will burn 1,050 to 1,800 calories. With no change in diet you would lose ⅓ of a pound (0.15 kg) to ½ of a pound (0.22 kg) of fat per week.

10 km

Walking 10km will be 420 to 720 calories for most people.

Walking 10km 5 days a week works out at 2,100 to 3,600 calories per week. So keeping your eating habits the same, you could expect to lose ⅔ of a pound (0.3 kg) to 1 pound (0.45 kg) of fat per week.

Calories by time walked

How long does it take to walk 1 mile

The average person will take 20 minutes to walk 1 mile.

For most people a casual walking speed is 3mph. This means it will only take 20 minutes to walk 1 mile.

In those 20 minutes you will burn somewhere near to 100 calories. The actual calorie burn will depend on your weight. Use the calorie calculator for your own custom estimation.

How long to walk 4 miles

An hour walk burns between 210 and 360 calories for most people.

At a casual pace you will cover 3 miles in an hour walk. Doing an hour walk 5 days of the week will burn an extra 1,050 to 1,800 calories.

If your diet remains the same, this increased exercise could lead to ⅓ to ½ a pound of fat loss a week.

How many calories does an hour walk burn?

The average person will take 20 minutes to walk 1 mile.

For most people a casual walking speed is 3mph. This means it will only take 20 minutes to walk 1 mile.

In those 20 minutes you will burn somewhere near to 100 calories. The actual calorie burn will depend on your weight. Use the calorie calculator for your own custom estimation.

Calories burned by steps walked

How many steps to burn 1 calorie?

20 steps will burn 1 calorie.

calories burned per step

An average person will take 2,000 steps to walk a mile, (based on a stride length of around 2.1 to 2.5 feet). That works out as 0.04 to 0.06 calories per stride, depending on your weight and pace.

Meaning for most people it takes 20 steps to burn 1 calorie.

How many calories does 1000 steps burn?

1000 steps burns around 50 calories.

This is based on a typical stride length of 2.1 to 2.5 feet.

How many calories do you burn walking 10000 steps?

10000 steps burns 500 calories .

The 10,000 steps per day guideline comes from extrapolating this out. The impact of 10000 steps calories burned each day for 7 days works out at around 3,500 calories. This is the amount of calories required to burn 1 pound of fat.

The actual amount will vary from person to person based on weight and stride length.

The best way to measure your calories burned is with a wearable fitness tracker * .

How many calories does 15000 steps burn?

15000 steps burns 750 calories.

As noted above this value is dependant on your weight and length of your step. You can only get a personal count of calorie burn using a wearable fitness tracker * .

How many calories are burned by brisk walking?

calories burned by brisk walk

A typical speed for abrisk walk is 4 mph. At this pace you'll cover 1 mile every 15 minutes or a third of a mile every 5 minutes.

As explained above your calorie burn will depend on your weight, time spent walking and speed.

For example, here's what a 5 minute brisk walk will burn for different weights:

  • 150 lbs: 30 calories
  • 160 lbs: 32 calories
  • 170 lbs: 34 calories
  • 180 lbs: 36 calories
  • 190 lbs: 38 calories
  • 200 lbs: 40 calories
  • 210 lbs: 42 calories
  • 220 lbs: 44 calories

calories burned walking vs swimming

An hour's brisk walk will burn almost as many calories as an hour swimming

How to lose weight walking

Even  6 miles a day for 5 days a week, is not a guarantee of weight loss. If you continue to eat the same as normal it is hard to lose weight from extra exercise alone.

The best way to lose weight is by a combination of exercise and calorie reduction. So combine your extra walking with understanding how many calories to eat per day to lose weight .

Walking vs running

Does running burn more calories than walking?

Running burns about 70% more calories than walking, over the same time and distance.

When running both feet are off the ground at the same time, which requires a bigger thrust and more effort. This extra thrust results in you burning more calories.

Even when running at the same slow pace as walking you'll burn more calories.

For example a 200 pound person walking at a casual pace for one hour will burn 333 calories. That same person running very slowly, at the same casual walking pace will burn 572 calories. That's 239 calories more for the same hours exercise.

Use the above calorie calculator to see how much you burn on a walk and then use the calories burned running calculator to see how this would vary.

But you may not be in a position at the moment where you can run for all that time (if any at all). In that case start by getting into a regular routine of walking.

If you want to progress from walking to running you can do this in stages.  Start by combining walking with small periods of running.

See how to start running for beginners .

Calories burned walking watches

calories burned watch for walking and fitness

Getting the right activity tracker watch can help you achieve all your fitness and weight loss goals…

…But which is best for you?

Fitbit, Garmin etc, etc…view a run down of them all to find the best calories burned walking watch for you.

General FAQ

How many calories do you burn in a 30 minute walk?

A 30 minute walk will burn between 100 and 175 calories .

Someone weighing 120 pounds walking at 3mph for 30 minutes will burn 100 calories, whereas someone weighing 210 pounds walking at the same speed will burn 175 calories.

How many calories do you burn in 60 minutes of walking?

A 60 minute walk will burn between 200 and 350 calories.

Someone weighing 120 pounds walking at 3mph for 60 minutes will burn 200 calories, whereas someone weighing 210 pounds walking at the same speed will burn 350 calories.

How many calories do you burn walking 10000 steps?

The average person will burn 500 calories by walking 10000 steps.

This is based on a typical stride length of 2.1 to 2.5 feet.

Can you lose weight walking 2 miles a day?

Walking 2 miles a day you will lose 1 pound of weight every 2 to 3 and a half weeks.

Thats 13 to 26 pounds of weight loss in a year.

A person weighing 120 pounds walking at a normal speed for for 2 miles will burn 133 calories. A person weighing 210 pounds walking at the same pace will burn 233 calories.

Do you only burn calories while walking?

No. You are burning calories all day long.

Your body needs energy to keep your brain and organs functioning all the time.

You're even burning calories when you're asleep – see: how many calories do you burn sleeping?

How Many Calories Do U Burn Walking a Mile



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